Art is something that has always been important to me. I try to incorporate it in my daily life but, with sports, homework, and other out of school activities, it's hard to find time. Thats why I was thrilled to enter the 8 th grade and find clay sculpture as a choice. Over the summer I crossed my fingers to get in and when I did I was thrilled! I knew little to nothing about clay sculpture but I entered with an open mind and love for art and it took off from there. We started with basic pinch and coil pots,with a lot of direction and little free thought. Now, however, I am on my sixth project and each one has a special meaning to me, all unique and straight from my brain. I always look forward to clay sculpture after a long and grueling test or class period, its like entering a world outside of school were it's okay to be yourself and express that in any way you wish. All in all clay sculpture is a very important part in my life.