We spend a great deal of time going over elements and principles of art with both the sixth and the seventh grade classes. Elements and principles are a language of art, a way to talk to someone about a painting or sculpture without just saying , "Yup, I like it" or "No, that painting stinks". It gives people a common vocabulary to talk about not only the materials and the marks it is made of, but what the artist does to bring you into and around the image itself. It gives you a common language with which to judge the art, and to question the intent of the artist.
Elements of Art
These are the simple building blocks that make up a work of art. Just as molecules are built from tiny elements such as atoms, art is built from the elements we use to make marks on the page. These elements make up the way a painting is created. Elements can be lines, points, shapes, colors, textures, values, patterns or space.
Principles of Art
The artist uses principles to control the elements on the page. Principles of art allow the artist to manipulate the viewer to look at a specific spot, and then to move their eye about the image in a particular way. It may be by creating an emphasis of color in one area, or creating a rhythm of straight lines in another section. The picture may be pleasing because of the symmetrical balance used, or because your eye moves from one side to another following the spirals in the starry night. Principles of art allow a viewer to see what the artist feels is important in their art work.
Principles can include balance/ imbalance, harmony/contrast, emphasis/de-emphasis, movement/rhythm, perspective/depth, proportion, unity and variety.
Elements of Art
These are the simple building blocks that make up a work of art. Just as molecules are built from tiny elements such as atoms, art is built from the elements we use to make marks on the page. These elements make up the way a painting is created. Elements can be lines, points, shapes, colors, textures, values, patterns or space.
Principles of Art
The artist uses principles to control the elements on the page. Principles of art allow the artist to manipulate the viewer to look at a specific spot, and then to move their eye about the image in a particular way. It may be by creating an emphasis of color in one area, or creating a rhythm of straight lines in another section. The picture may be pleasing because of the symmetrical balance used, or because your eye moves from one side to another following the spirals in the starry night. Principles of art allow a viewer to see what the artist feels is important in their art work.
Principles can include balance/ imbalance, harmony/contrast, emphasis/de-emphasis, movement/rhythm, perspective/depth, proportion, unity and variety.